Why were Institutes of Technology (IoTs) created? 

The Government is the driving force behind Institutes of Technology. IoTs tackle the skill gaps in high level technical education in the UK, with a particular focus on the STEM sector (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). 
There are only 12 Institutes of Technology in the UK, which were selected through a government-led competition. We are delighted and proud to be one of those 12, working towards a technically skilled West London. 

What makes West London IoT different? 

West London IoT maximises opportunities for both students and employers. 
Our anchor partners, Brunel University and employers Fujitsu, Heathrow Airport and West London Business assist in the delivery of exciting courses, which provide students with the technical skills employers are looking for. As a result, students will have better recruitment opportunities, greater earning potential and become more employable. 

Where is West London IoT based? 

West London IoT is based at Uxbridge College. There has been a new IoT Campus built with brand new facilities and equipment. 

What courses does West London IoT offer? 

West London IoT offers Level 4 and 5 courses in three key subject areas – Engineering, Digital and Construction. Take a look at the specific WLIoT Courses on offer. 

Where can I get information on course fees? 

If you click on the course you are interested in here, you will find a breakdown of course content, entry requirements, fees, study methods and other relevant information. 

Who can apply to the West London IoT courses? 

Anyone can apply. Whether you’re fresh out of school, been made redundant, looking for a new career or looking to upskill in your current position - our courses are open to everyone. As long as you have the relevant entry requirements, you’re good to go. 

How do I apply for the West London IoT courses? 

You can still apply online to start a course in September. The application process is relatively straightforward - head to our courses page, pick a course and then hit ‘apply’. For a more thorough step-by-step process on applying, have a look at our 
How to apply’ page. 

Do I need to do an interview? 

All of West London IoT full-time courses and some of our part-time courses require an interview. This is an opportunity for you to have a discussion with a member of staff who is able to guide and support your transition to college, so please don't be nervous. 

Does West London IoT have a social scene for students? 

West London IoT encourages socialising and making friends with like-minded people. As West London IoT is based at Uxbridge College, students can take part in the student union, clubs and societies, as well as other facilities on offer. 

Why should you study at West London IoT instead of University? 

Firstly, studying at West London IoT is more affordable and you will receive greater support with smaller classes. You have the opportunity to work with employers and gain a unique technical qualification recognised and demanded by employers in the STEM industry. You can build contacts and connections with employers you have worked with during your IoT course, providing you with recruitment opportunities. You can still progress to University after your Level 5 HND course, as our partner Brunel University offers a top up Level 6 degree. 

Who do I contact if I have a specific question regarding West London IoT courses? 

We have an enquiries team that will help answer any questions you may have. 
Phone: 01895 853333 

Anchor Partners: 

Registered Address: The University of Exeter Executive Suite, Northcote House, The Queen's Drive, Exeter, Devon EX4 4QJ. VAT Reg No. GB 340 0327 55 
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